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Article 1

The Iberian Association of Military History (centuries IV-XVI) and Banco Santander decided to create the "Young Researchers Prize, Iberian Association of Military History - Banco Santander Totta"


Article 2

Prize editions are planned for the calendar years 2016 and 2018 and it is intended to reward scientific works on military history of the Iberian Peninsula from the fourth to the sixteenth centuries, produced by researchers up to 35 years old, of all nationalities.



Article 3

The prize will be worth € 3,000 in each of its editions (2016 and 2018).



Article 4

The competing works must be original and have a minimum of 250,000 characters (including spaces) and should be submitted in one of the languages currently spoken in the Iberian Peninsula, or in English, French or Italian.



Article 5

Applications must be submitted until 30 June of the year concerning the Prize (2016 or 2018), by registered post mail sent to the following addresses: João Gouveia Monteiro, Rua do Tirado, No. 125, 3040-806 Cernache, Portugal; and Francisco García Fitz, Calle San Petersburg, No 9, 4th floor right, 10005 Caceres, Spain. In addition, applicants must send an electronic version to the e-mail address of the Association:

Article 6

In both editions, the jury will be composed of five persons: the President and Vice-President of the Iberian Association of Military History, a representative of Banco Santander and two elements alternately indicated by the governing bodies of the Iberian Association of Military History (one of Portuguese nationality and the other of Spanish nationality). If a jury member have a conflict of interest with any of the applications submitted, that jury member must abstain in the final vote.


Article 7

The jury's decision will be taken by a majority until the 15th of October in the year of the edition of the Prize, and shall be published in the Association's own channels and Portuguese and Spanish media.



 Article 8

The delivery of the award will take place until the end of the calendar year concerning the Prize.


Article 9 

The Prize may not be assigned, if the jury decides so. There will be no assignments ex aequo, and there will be no right of appeal. Honorable mentions may be awarded if the jury considers it justified.


Article 10

The Direction of the Iberian Association of Military History reserves itself the possibility of making a brief publication of the winning work in its electronic magazine (entitled e-Strategica) and / or full publication of the winning work in digital form. 



 Article 11

The candidate who wins the Prize undertakes explicitly, and as a condition for receiving the award, to allow his image and data to be divulged, including by the press and with the content and terms understood convenient by the promoters of the initiative in order to promote and advertise the Prize, the beneficiaries themselves, their academic institutions of origin and the promoters of the event.



Article 12

All cases omitted in these regulations shall be resolved by the directions of the Iberian Association of Military History and Banco Santander, on the advice of the jury. 

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